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Anesthesia & Pain Management Success

Nov 20, 2023

Why do doctors have a bad rap when it comes to investing? In this episode, I’ll address the relatively common thought that doctors tend to be poor investors and invest more often in “hair-brained schemes” than most people. We’ll be unpacking the reasoning (good and bad) behind this stigma, where doctors tend to...

Nov 13, 2023

This week, we're revisiting a previous episode that serves as a valuable tool for investors looking to optimize their behavioral, mental, and intellectual approach to position themselves for success. Successful investing and wealth-building often involve not winning every battle, but choosing which battles to fight at...

Nov 6, 2023

As we move into the holidays, it’s a good time to reflect, recap, and take stock of how things are going. When trying to figure out what things are working (or not), what you need to change, and where the opportunities are, it is really helpful to take a closer look at your savings rate. In this episode, I’ll be...

Oct 30, 2023

Does a partnership truly serve as a beacon of career advancement for associate physicians, or is it a mirage that ultimately depends on specific circumstances? Today I dissect the concept of physician partnerships, shedding light on their benefits and potential drawbacks. If you're pondering whether to own a share in a...

Oct 23, 2023

You may be aware that health savings accounts (HSAs) are a great way to cover healthcare costs with pre-tax money. However, this tax-efficient savings account can also be used as a very important tool for financial independence. So, how can HSAs help you as you save for retirement? In this episode, I will be breaking...